Thursday, January 10, 2008

The Making of the Album Cover - Chumbawamba: Chumbawamba

Does it look like I give a fuck? 'Cause I don't!

In exactly 26 days on Feb 5th I will be experiencing one of the most liberating days of my adult life, and that will be a result of finally submitting my 2 week notice for resignation. Following my day of liberation, I will endure a slow painful 2 week period in which I will probably have situations where I sit at my desk all day and blog, because I couldn't care less about the mess I leave for these assholes. I already starting packing up my personal belongings in a small envelope box I found in the file room. I haven't mentioned that I will not be coming back after my vacation to Hawaii (that was denied, by the way) but I don't understand how it is not blatantly apparent that I am peacing the fuck out. My desk has been a clusterfuck for 5+ years and last week I finally tore down everything from my walls and desk space, explaining to the nosey ass bitches who inquired about it, that I was simply cleaning for the new year. I can't wait to see the looks on their faces. They are actually going to be surprised that one of their loyal little minion accountants has found a finer path in life than bowing down to their every ridiculous call for a lousy poverty salary. It's going to be glorious.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

The Humans are Dead

Today I don't know what to blog about but I don't like my Chumababawamaba picture being the first thing I see when I go to my own blog to look at my own blog. So I'll write some words. Today the Regular Version Of Xina and I are working @ GTI [Good Time Island]. GTI is what we named our office to give us a better, more positive outlook on our work environment.

"It has definitely improved our attitudes in our opinions and our opinions only. " -Courtney Crabtree

We listen to the iPod shuffle rather loudly and don't necessarily put stress on censorship like we might have previously, when we didn't absolutely loathe our jobs and everyone we work with like we do today. If you notice the date bar and correlate that number to a nearby calendar you will see that it is in fact a Saturday. Regular Version of Xina has her head down and is powering through.
"I however, am blogging when I should probably be doing my month end adjustments
so I can close my admin day." -Courtney Crabtree
Anyway, my friend Nick just texted me and told me to have a 'reunion' party at my house tonight whatever the fuck that means. I told him people could come over but it costs $5 a person to get in. So hopefully I can get at least $5 from Nick because today I smoked my last cigarette on the way to my office and I had been saving it because I knew it was my last one but I only have $27 until next Friday so I can't really buy another pack until Friday unless I take out another direct deposit advance. So anyway I was trying to enjoy my last cigarette before I had to go to my office on a Saturday but the fucking rain and wind did not make for a very indulgent last cigarette. For those of you who don't know I took up smoking again after I got dumped this past October. So anyway this reunion party tonight,
"I hope I get $5 and I hope people don't come who I wouldn't be 100% thrilled
about being reunited with." -Courtney Crabtree
My friend Jacob said he is going to start a blog also so that should be fun. He is famous and already has a blog for "work" as he calls it but I don't really care about his fan contests so it would be nicer to read up on what youtube videos he thinks are funny, etc. So I hope that works out. He is supposed to be sending me a video from his birthday a couple weeks ago and I hope to post it here on my blog. I should blog about Douglas and the bunnies soon I could blog all day about that. I have an update on the reunion party situation, I asked Monica if I could have people over tonight and she saved me and said
"no parties," -Monica Romero
so I told Nick Monica said no, so he said he'll have a few people over to his house. So I am going to invite my friends Monica, Kim, Tobey, and Shane over to Nick's party. I'm probably going to leave my office soon. Good thing I clocked in to blog. I should talk about last night. Last night was Regular Version of Xina and I's mutual friend's birthday. at the "downtown." cocktail lounge. Shane and I were at my house getting ready and Regular Version of Xina came over around 8:45pm. She drove us downtown because we were already drunk because we just got back from LA for New Years and have all this leftover vodka because I didn't even drink on New Years or else the whole bottle would have been gone, Shane said. So we got to the bar and it was really dark and cool. Shane and I saw Sarah Silverman there a couple months ago. Anyway that was cool I drank one more drink and Shane drank 2. Then we had to go meet our friends in the parking lot by beauty bar real quick so we said we'd be right back. But Regular Version of Xina has little trust in us and thinks we just raised up on out of there for good, but we didn't, we just went to go get Tobey and Kim ( I think that's how you spell his name I don't know how do you spell Kim if it's a boy) anyway we did go back to the bar and Miles said Regular Version of Xina dipped out because she said we weren't coming back
"They aren't coming back." -Regular Version of Xina
but we did and she paid for our drinks he said. So that was a score. Since we no longer had a tab at downtown we decided to go up to the Brass Lounge. We started drinking red bull and vodka because vodka drinks were $2 and I ordered a vodka tonic but Tobey got red bull and vodka so I changed my order to that to copy him because I thought it was a good idea. And it ended up being a pretty good idea because I had fun. Shane did not feel good I think he drank a wee bit too much because I was in Heaven at the El Cortez breakfast and he was in the bathroom the whole time. Poor guy. We had to have Dylan come pick us up because Regular Version of Xina ditched us. Dylan did have the vape hooked up in the car so again I was very happy while Shane was miserable in the back seat. Dylan dropped me off and I guess I went to sleep. This morning I asked Derek why he wasn't answering his phone last night because I called him a million times. He said he didn't get any calls and I was like ya huh I kept calling.. and he asked what time so I looked at my call log and there were no calls to Derek Gene Rufo. So I guess I dreamt that I kept calling him and he didn't answer which is probably because ever since Derek got his new studio he never wants to hang out anymore because he's too busy writing songs about how his heart aches for me. I can't wait to move into our secluded mountain home in September so he has to pay attention to me. I think I might go home now, Monica is excited to hang out at Nick's party with me because she usually lives in Lazytown all day.